Living Wisely
Healing through Connection and Consciousness
Hi, I'm Kes. Welcome to my website! As an independent therapist, researcher, and facilitator, I extend possibilities and invitations to spark regenerative emotions, deepen your connection to yourself and others, and catalyse harmony and cohesion among diverse groups and communities. Based in Brighton and Hove, I work far and wide, both online and in person.
I believe that all human beings naturally experience a wide range of comfortable and uncomfortable feelings, indicating whether our universal needs are met or unmet. By listening coherently to our body's innate intelligence, through compassion for our feelings, we can discover our needs and inspire others to do the same.
We live in a critical time marked by a mounting nature emergency, mass extinctions, climate change-related disasters, archaic wars, centuries-old oppression, discrimination, religious and political divides, violence, crime, trauma, parenting crises, addiction, distraction, isolation and unease. Yet, this era is a pivotal moment of immense awakening and transformation.
Whilst the voices of the old paradigm and 'business-as-usual' attempt to profit through wilful ignorance, exploitation, and driving societies into unrest, conflict, and devastation, we face both personal and collective challenges. Still, many of us are benefiting from our ancestors' struggles for freedom, reclaiming our innate sense of truth and justice in resistance to misleading external authorities on our lives. We are re-learning to trust ourselves and each other, rekindling our love of nature, and redefining the future that we all share a part in creating.
Here you'll find my services and offerings designed to facilitate psychological safety, ease distress, restore heartfelt connection, and co-create spaces for autonomous and conscious evolution towards our shared survival and thriving.