Therapy Agreement
The Therapy Agreement is at the roots of all the work that happens between us. This contract helps to establish the mutual trust, stable structure and appropriate conditions that are necessary to support your growth.
Our Relationship
You and I will both be active counterparts in your therapeutic process, forming a strong, honest and reciprocal working alliance.
Therapy may last from 4 to 40+ sessions. Meeting typically every 1-3 weeks.
Breaks and Ending Therapy
Discuss breaks or ending therapy in a session, not by email. Option for one or two final sessions.
Everything we discuss is confidential within ethical, legal, and professional limits. I may share non-identifying information in supervision, research, or training to improve therapy quality and professional standards. I will only break confidentiality in exceptional cases according to safeguarding procedures. Your details are protected by a strict privacy policy. In the event that I am unable to continue therapy, a clinical will is in place to release your contact details to a trusted colleague, and you will be contacted with options for continuing or seeking alternative support.
Between Sessions: Minimal contact for scheduling or resources. In public, I won't approach you unless you acknowledge me first.
In Sessions: We’ll start with updates, focus on issues, and end at a comfortable place to stop.
Feedback is warmly welcomed. We can both learn and increase understanding together.
Lateness and Cancellations
Lateness: Email if late. Sessions may be terminated after 15 minutes without notice, and may incur the full fee.
Cancellation: Provide 7 days’ notice when possible. Sessions cancelled with less than 24 hours notice may incur the full fee.
Please rest if sick and inform me. I will do the same if unwell.
For urgent help, contact a trusted person or emergency services. This service isn’t for crisis intervention.
Fees and Payment
Weekly Therapy: £40 (30 min), £70 (50 min)
Flexible Therapy: £45 (30 min), £75 (50 min)
Payment is due in advance or on the day; card or bank transfer accepted.
Shorter/longer sessions on request
Rates reviewed periodically
Need help with costs? Let me know
Financial Assistance
I am part of a network of therapists providing free and low cost sessions. If finances are a barrier to therapy, please let me know. Concessions or alternative arrangements may be available to support access to therapy.
I adhere to BACP and NCPS ethics, and attend training and supervision in order to maintain good professional standards and develop my practice.
Thank you for choosing to work with me.
My Philosophy
I work with a holistic approach. You can read about the principles of my approach by clicking below.