Living Wisely: The Inner Work

Welcome to Living Wisely! I'm Kes, and I lead a private therapy practice dedicated to empowering adults and young people to cultivate calmness and self-compassion. Whether you're in Brighton, or joining me online, I invite you to an experience of learning, healing, transformation and growth.

How would it be for you to pause for a moment, and spark a sense of warmth and care toward yourself, right now? If you could take a moment to breathe deeply into your belly, and connect to your heart, you may begin to embrace yourself with calm and compassion. Every thought and feeling, every aspect of you, is welcome here.

Perhaps there are strong emotions or negative patterns, affecting areas of your life such as your physical health, career or family relationships, which you have found difficult to cope with until now. There are no quick-fix solutions, however through therapy, you may come to understand how your mind works, why you are the way you are, and how to go about the deep, inner work of creating beneficial psychological changes.



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