Is your Young Person ready for therapy?

 Are you thinking about referring your child/young person to therapy?

Before you schedule an initial consultation, please reflect on the following questionnaire.

Next to every statement, please choose from either 'Y' for yes, you agree, or 'N' no, you disagree. If you are unsure, please select 'N'.

You can record your answers on a notepad, and then check your scores at the end of the questionnaire.

Scores: If your scores were mostly 'Y' then your child may be ready for therapy and are welcome to schedule an initial consultation. If you scored 'N' next to one or more of the statements, then it is possible that now may not be the right time for you to refer your child to one-to-one counselling, however there's still plenty you can do to support their mental health and personal growth; options may include alternative therapies, family therapy, therapeutic groups, activity clubs, psychiatric assessments, or speak to your GP, NHS Child Health Services, or Local Crisis Team.

If you are making a referral for your child, and they have given you a comfortable "yes" to get started, then please schedule a consultation today.